Improv Challenge: Peaches and Herbs (Pork Chops with a Peach and Sage Glaze)

I’m excited to once again be participating in the Improv Challenge hosted by Kristen from Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker! This month, the challenge ingredients are peaches and herbs.

Due to the heat wave, I’m keeping today’s post shorter than usual. It’s hot in my apartment. So hot, that I’d rather be outside! Loki is spending most of her time in the bathtub or in front of the fan to keep cool. I’ve gotten to know my neighbours better this week because many of us are sitting in the shady backyard.

I made the dish for the Improv Challenge, lucky for me, just before the heat wave hit. The dish came about by chance. There were some pork chops at the butcher shop that I just *had* to try. It’s from pasture raised Tamworth x English Black pork. Let me say, this pork was worth the hefty price tag… but definitely something we will have only as a treat. I really like to cook pork chops with sage. And peaches go well with pork.

The result? Bryan loved this dish just the way it was. I thought the peach flavour hadn’t infused the glaze enough. Next time I make the glaze, I will blend it before serving over the chops then add a few extra peach pieces for presentation.

I served this with a tomato, avocado and cucumber salad.

Pork Chops with a Peach and Sage Glaze


Pork Chops

  • 2 bone-in Tamworth x English Black pork chops (1 3/4 pounds) – approximate cost $22.00
  • 2 teaspoons grapeseed oil – approximate cost $0.20


  • 1 cup frozen peaches – approximate cost $1.00
  • 1 cup water
  • 5 fresh sage leaves, torn into small pieces – approximate cost $0.50
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch (+ enough cold water to make a paste) – approximate cost $0.05
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt – approximate cost $0.05


  1. Prepare the glaze.
    1. Combine peaches, water, and sea salt in a sauce pot.
    2. Cook over medium heat until peaches are unfrozen and heated through.
    3. Add corn starch and cook until thickened.
    4. Remove from heat.
    5. Stir in sage pieces.
    6. Cover and set aside.
  2. Prepare the pork chops.
    1. Heat grapeseed oil in a frying pan over medium heat.
    2. Add pork chops (you should hear them sizzle when added to the frying pan).
    3. Cook for 4 1/2 minutes.
    4. Turn.
    5. Cook for an additional 4 1/2 minutes.
    6. Test for desired doneness and cook more if necessary.
    7. Remove fry frying pan and let stand for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Pour half of the glaze over each of the pork chops.
  4. Serve and enjoy!

Makes 2 very large servings (approximate cost: $11.90 per serving).

My previous Improv Challenge contributions include:

Please check out the other Improv Challenge recipes!

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  1. This looks absolutely delicious! I LOVE pairing fruit and pork and I think the peaches were perfect here! And a great idea to use sage. I bet the flavors were wonderful!

  2. I think you were the only one to use sage. Great idea since I think it pairs so well with pork chops. This looks just lovely.

  3. These look delicious. Pork and fruit is a wonderful combination. This is going on my “to-make” list, and I will be including it in my Friday Finds post this week. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I never thought to combine peaches and sage. I need to try this recipe out soon.

  5. I have a recipe that calls for peaches with hamburger. I have always wanted to try it, but have been hesitant. After seeing your pork, I think I am going to dig it out and try it.

  6. Yum! I’m sure peaches and sage are delicious together! 🙂

  7. I love all the fresh fruit right now! This pork looks so gorgeous and delicious, is anything better than fresh peaches?! Mmm! Pinned 🙂

  8. I love eating pork with fruit- this looks great! Hope you stay cool this hot summer

  9. You came up with a marvelous dish! I love the idea of serving peaches with pork…YUM!

  10. This looks delicious!

  11. Peaches and pork pair so wonderfully together! This looks lovely.

  12. I love pork and apples, but I’ve never had pork and peaches. It looks delicious and love the use of sage as your herb. This looks delicious!

  13. Tangy peach glaze in a savoury pork chops sounds great idea…..
    i would love to add some chopped bird eye chillies to the glaze….

    • Thank you! And what a great idea. I will try spicing this up with some chili peppers next time.

  14. I nevr tried this combo before: peaches, pork & sage! it must taste wonderfully too! 🙂 Waw even! Yummmmm! I can’t wait to try it out this evening! 😉 xxx


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